RIPACE assists young athletes in developing into strong-willed individuals who are capable of future success by thinking outside the box. We prepare their minds, bodies, and techniques so that they can lead themselves.
We teach the importance of social contribution as "helping," based on the three main principles of greeting, responding, and tidying up (keeping footwear in order).
We teach how to describe one's feelings through everyday communication with the staff in charge using a dedicated app. Also, the RIPACE original goal-setting sheet helps to set numerical goals and focus on them daily.
We teach to believe in oneself and to accomplish one by one through the everyday routine based on our attitude and expression education. The experience of keeping one's promises (achieving their own goals) will boost one's confidence as well.
『Football とはカオスであり、フラクタルである』つまり、Football を構成する要素(技術、戦術、体力、精神力etc.)を細分化し、段階を分け、順序よくトレーニングするのではなく、『Football は Football のままトレーニングする』ことが重要で『Football は Football することによって上達する』という理論である。RIP ACE では、こうした理論のもと『Football 全体』の指導をし、クリエイティブな選手育成、魅力のあるチームを目指しています。
"Soccer is chaos and fractal." It means it's not that important to divide soccer into its components, such as technique, tactics, physical and mental strength, and train them in order. We should play soccer "as soccer" and "playing soccer" is the way to improve its players. RIPACE aims to develop creative players and attractive teams by teaching "the whole of soccer" based on this idea.
昨今、様々な捉え方、理論が存在していますが、RIP ACE 独自の動作理論を導入し指導しています。スピード U P、スキル U P につながるスムーズな動作を習得させ、最高のパフォーマンスを発揮させます。
There are different ways of understanding soccer these days. RIPACE provides coaching based on our unique movement theory. Combining them with well-known methods helps players achieve their best performance.
選手自身によるセルフコンディショニングの重要性を意識させ、最高のパフォーマンスを発揮させます。毎日の体調、食事、睡眠時間、ゲガの有無を専 用アプリに入力し、スタッフと共有します。
By teaching the importance of self-conditioning, we help improve one's performance. Daily physical condition, diet, and injuries are entered into ATLETA (Athlete Management Software) and checked in real-time by our staff. Based on the entered data, we numerically analyze a tendency of lifestyle and performance.
Nutrition education is essential for building the body. Since weekday training is at night, supplemental meals before and after that are required. We ask for cooperation at home to support four meals a day, manage energy requirements for junior high school students, and enter their daily meals into ATLETA (Athlete Management Software).
夏・冬ともに⻑期休暇の導入や、週4回活動(土日どちらかが OFF)を実践し、積極的休養を推奨しています。休むことにより、ケガの予防や、成⻑に必要なエネルギーの吸収率を上げ、体を大きくさせます。
RIPACE encourages active rest by setting one of the weekends off and adopting long vacations. The coaching style of "the more you do it, the more you grow, it's all about guts" remains in the Japan’s sports scene. Rest helps to prevent injury, absorb necessary energy for growth, and grow the body bigger. We also ask for cooperation at home in ensuring adequate sleep.