レゲエの先駆者でシンガーソングライターのBob Marleyが歌った一曲。1930年代にジャマイカで始まった思想運動「ラスタファリ」の象徴としても知られる彼は、音楽を通して自由とは何かを問い続けた。常識にとらわれず自ら問いを立て、本質的に考えて動き、現状に満足せず自身を高めていく。RIPACEはその姿勢に倣い、サッカーを通して培われる力の可能性を拡張し続けていく。
The line is from a song by reggae pioneer Bob Marley. He is also recognized as the icon of Rastafari, a religious and social movement that began in Jamaica in 1930, and sought liberation through music. Think differently and act on essential insights to keep enhancing yourself. That is how RIPACE feels, and we expand the horizon of skills fostered by soccer.
To be exceptional in soccer, one must have not only technique but also a refined sensibility. It is no exaggeration to say that humanity comes first when it comes to performing acquired skills in a truly effective way.
This is why our training scope is wide, and what makes RIPACE so powerful. We take fashion and culture seriously to be distinct as a soccer team, which is the antithesis of inessential die-hardism. We hope that young athletes will learn to play creative soccer with their own rhythm.
RIPACE respects cultures from all over the world. We can better understand ourselves by learning not only its appearance but also its history and ideology. This kind of curiosity will become more important in soccer, as it will in any other field. Soccer, as a global sport, may provide a chance to broaden one's perspective. Even in terms of education, it is a significant sport.